Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Understand your spouse better

All women ask themselves at one point "what do men think" and then we spend hours over herbal tea trying to decode their behavior.
All men ask themselves "what do women want" and then they drink a beer and watch a game.
Watch this video and wonder less...
See more of Mark Gungor here

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's raining in Vietnam

We have been silent for a while. I only realized that when Mr Van asked me this morning if people were still reading our blog and I couldn't really say. I was idle in the blogosphere for 10 days. A disgrace I tell you! A disgrace!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What are we eating today?

This is a menu sample from BMC Hotel in Ha Tinh. 
And yes, they do have it fresh... Where do they keep the snakes and why only the head is used for cooking is something to be explored in future posts.