Friday, November 18, 2011

We are moving

Since we moved to Vietnam in April (Mr. Van) and in June (Mrs. Van) we had a pretty weird living situation. Our new residence is just on the beach, part of a 'resort'. The apartments had to be re-fitted for family use. Here was our arrangement for the past months:
On the left is apartment 204 - our living quarters that include a kitchen (ex-bathroom) and a room with a couch, table and TV.

On the right side, apartment 205 is our sleeping quarters with a bathroom and a room with a bed. My 'favorite' thing about living in Vietnam is having a bathroom like this. There is no designated area for shower. You can take a shower at the sink, in the middle of the bathroom or even while sitting on the toilet! Brilliant!

Of course to get from one apartment to the other you have to step into the communal hallway.

This is our dining table/desk. Gotta love the view...

And this is the barbaric romanian-belgian way of drying one's clothes when you do not have a dryer or a drying rack (not available for sale in Vietnam, for whoever is looking for a new business idea).

Now we are moving across the hall, to a bigger apartment that has a bathroom in the same living area as the kitchen and the living room. We are forever grateful! We will come up with some pictures after we sort out this situation:

Friday, November 11, 2011

We are expanding

We are happy (and very proud) to inform you that from now on, Mrs Van can be referred to as:
  • Knocked up
  • In trouble
  • Waiting for the stork 
  • In a delicate condition
  • Human affordable housing
  • Drinking for two
  • Bun in the oven (or “Bundt” if it’s a girl)
What we are trying to say is that we are waiting for a MiniVan to join us.

We will probably start posting scanned unidentified shapes that we will claim to be the most adorable baby(probably we wont be able to identify it either) or bellies (belonging to both future parents) and cute drawings of baby ducks or baby kittens or baby dinosaurs. Please blame the hormones. All of us are!