Friday, January 28, 2011

A little domestic experiment...

On one of our latest drives between Dubai and Abu Dhabi Mrs Van came up with the concept of the ‘nagging bracelet’. This bracelet is made out of plastic, thread or whatever you have around your house. It would be passed on from Mr to Mrs and vice-versa every time one of you is nagging.

Imagine: every time one goes on a nagging rampage, he or she is made aware of it by the simple fact of the bracelet being handed over by the loving partner. Surely, just after the introduction and application of this seemingly brilliant idea, roles seemed not that defined anymore…The bracelet went back and forth many many times those first days.
The self-proclaimed queen of positive and zen thinking actually realised how many times a day she says ‘stop scratching’ ‘pick up your socks’ ‘write some on the blog’ ‘do this, not that’...
The most difficult part is to actually make a conscious decision to stop the ‘guilty nagger’ thought that formed in your mind and perhaps just leave it there without verbalising it.
I guess what we are trying to say here is that you could be right or wrong, depending which side of the story is being viewed. If we keep that in mind we’ll all get along just a little bit better.

If you want to do this at home, here are the rules:
·         Create a bracelet – elastic band, anything colorful that can fit your wrists
·         Make sure you both agree on what is classified as nagging
·         Laugh a lot
·         Every time one is found nagging, he/she gets the bracelet. If the other party  starts nagging, the bracelet will be transferred to the latest nagger.
·         Be humble and realize how many times a day you pollute your partner with nagging.
·         Apologize and try to control your need to mother him/correct her.
·         Make crazy love every night to patch things up and start your day fresh.

We are planning to have some bracelets done, let us know if you need some.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent idea! I will give one to my gf. Wish that would stop the nagging.
