Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Last flight

air-hostess-sketch-vector.jpgI know, there is no lack of real drama in this world, but I would like to add some of my own anyway, maybe trivial to some, but marking an o such important milestone in the family life of the ‘Van’s’!
This, Ladies and Gentleman, is probably one of, or ‘the’ last flights I am taking while being under the care of Mrs Van as the Cabin Manager. Destination of faith… Munich, a flight we took most often together with Brussels flight as close second.
So how does it feel to take a flight as the proud husband? Well there are many aspects to it.
First of all, I have to admit that it takes a while getting used to see your wife being professional and all and give so much attention to other ‘guests’. My observations have taught me that there are many types of guests, from the rare tush grabbing Pattaya goer in economy to the more suave seducers in business and first class. I rest assured!
Secondly, there’s the lifestyle. As a friend once put it quite correctly, life as a cabin crew is like a continuous taste of the jet set life without needing to put out your hard earned cash: business tickets, posh hotels, discounts everywhere…
For me this was a new and intriguing world, as far as Mrs Van goes…she calls it business as usual! For those frequent flyers or in the airline business themselves they’ll sure know what I am talking about.
So what will the future bring? …Who knows? As for myself, one thing’s for sure nothing will compare to starting our own family and live together, but I know one thing fore sure:
I’ll miss the uniform!

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