Monday, October 10, 2011

10.X.10 - one year later

It's been a year since we went hand in hand together to St. Andrew's Church in Abu Dhabi to get married by our deaf priest who we liked very much and who coached us into married life and warned us of the possible troubles we could run into. That's where we found out that the biggest issues in a marriage arise from 3 very simple causes:
Communication - actually the lack of it...
Money - probably also the lack of $$$
The third one we can't remember… Ops…
We had 2 witnesses, our good friend V. and Mr. A. 

A lot has happened since…

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the CEO and co-founder of Apple died yesterday at only 56 years old. He was a visionary and I am sure that without his innovation, our digital life would be much more boring today. 
In this video you can watch his 2005 speech at Standford University Graduation. 
3 very simple and humbling life lessons for the new graduates.

Monday, October 3, 2011

SGN Airport Shopping

We have a pretty impressive number of airports that we've seen over the years. But this, ladies and gentlemen, is a new concept for us: