Monday, June 27, 2011

To have or not to have...power

Mr Van flipping pancakes

For the past week Vietnam has been grey and rainy, no more tourists by the beach, no more sun bathing, no more happiness inducing rays. 
All this rain also means that the already unreliable electricity system is even more unstable.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Weekend getaway - Dong Hoi Resort

This weekend Mr Van considered that my 3rd week in Vietnam has to be properly celebrated. So we woke early and bravely surrendered to the near-death experience that is the 1 hour drive to the city of Dong Hoi. 60km later we arrived at the Sun and Spa Resort 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Definition of time

Time has a new dimension here. Everything moves slow to very slow. Everybody is super chilled, there is no rush to get something done, to get somewhere or to reach something. At least that's how it looks like from outside.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our new home

Some images of our new home, 18km south from the City of Ky Anh. Our apartment is part of a resort. 

This is the advice at the entrance. 

Who am I to disagree?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Breaking the silence

It is excruciating doing something that you love and know that it is the last time you do it.

I had my last flight. Last time I wore the uniform, last PA, last briefing and last time I walk through the airport of Mrs Van CM. I love my job with passion, so this has been a very hard thing to do.

Our blogospheric absence in the past 2 months happened because we are relocating.

Mr. Van was offered a 3 year confirmed location. And when he asked what I thought about it, I listened to my intuition first and rational side later and I said YES honey, of course, let's move to

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Last flight

air-hostess-sketch-vector.jpgI know, there is no lack of real drama in this world, but I would like to add some of my own anyway, maybe trivial to some, but marking an o such important milestone in the family life of the ‘Van’s’!